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Copyright © 2025  |  All rights reserved  |  igneous rock gallery  |  Mechanicsburg PA  |  Telephone: 717.805.4304

To view any of the albums below simply place your mouse over the album cover. If you click to open an album the images inside can be viewed in a variety of ways. Please take some time to explore the site.
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If you visit Igneous Rock Gallery in person I will greet you and show you what we have to offer. Typically we start in the showroom where, at any given time, you’ll see a half dozen or more lighted flowing fountains. You will also see our stone candle holders and tabletop décor. From here we’ll move on to the work shop where all Igneous Rock Gallery products are created. You’ll find lots of stone columns of varying sizes standing around everywhere, just waiting to be incorporated into a customized feature. 
If your intent is to purchase a fountain you may find something in the showroom that satisfies you completely. On the other hand, you may enjoy the process of choosing from the loose columns in the workshop and participating in the design of your very own custom fountain.
Thanks to technology, this page of our web site is the next best thing to a personal visit here at the gallery!  As you scroll through the photo albums, you will discover examples of the many ways our products have been incorporated into environs and lives of our clientele. Let your imagination “take home” the features you like best. If you have questions about what you are seeing, feel free to call me or send an email. Depending on your level of interest, we can even zoom.

Robert Wertz